
Dental Implants:
Frequently Asked Questions

Types of Dental Implants:

The three types of dental implants are: endosteal, subperiosteal, and zygomatic. Endosteal implants, the most common type, are placed directly in the jawbone and are typically made of titanium. Subperiosteal implants sit on top of the jawbone underneath the gum and are used when the jawbone isn’t sufficient for endosteal implants. Zygomatic implants are the least common and anchored in the cheekbone, making them an ideal option for those with significant jawbone loss.

The most affordable dental implants are generally standard endosteal implants made of titanium. However, the total cost can vary widely depending on the geographical location, the dentist’s expertise, and the specific needs of the patient, such as the need for additional procedures like bone grafting.

The “best” dental implant varies based on individual needs and circumstances. Endosteal implants are widely regarded as the most effective and safe for patients with adequate jawbone density. Your dentist can advise the most suitable type based on your oral health, bone structure, and specific needs.

Endosteal implants, which are surgically inserted directly into the jawbone, have the highest success rate. Their success is attributed to their stability and the strong foundation they provide for the replacement teeth.

Titanium implants are widely considered the safest and most biocompatible. They have a long history of successful use, rarely cause allergic reactions, and have a high success rate due to their durability and compatibility with body tissues.

Implant Candidacy

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for dental implants. Suitable candidates for implants are those with healthy gums, adequate bone density to support the implant, and good oral and general health. Factors like maintaining good oral hygiene and not having conditions that impede healing, such as uncontrolled diabetes or autoimmune diseases, are also important. A thorough evaluation by a dental professional is necessary to determine candidacy.

Factors disqualifying individuals from dental implants include severe gum diseases like periodontitis, inadequate jawbone structure without the possibility of bone grafting, certain systemic health conditions like uncontrolled diabetes, heavy smoking, and treatments like high-dose radiation therapy to the head or neck. These conditions can impair healing or affect the stability of the implant.

Individuals who are not ideal candidates for dental implants include those with inadequate bone density that cannot be corrected with grafting, uncontrolled chronic diseases like diabetes or heart disease, heavy smokers, or those who have received high-dose radiation treatment to the head or neck area. These factors can affect the healing process and the stability of the implant.

Dental implants are not recommended for individuals still in their growth phase, typically under 18, as their jawbones are not fully developed. Otherwise, there is no upper age limit; suitability depends more on overall health and oral conditions.

Implant Procedures

Most patients report that the discomfort associated with getting a dental implant is less than anticipated. This is thanks to local anesthesia or sedation during the procedure to minimize pain and discomfort. Post-procedure, some discomfort is normal but is usually manageable with prescribed pain medication or over-the-counter pain relievers. This discomfort typically subsides within a few days.

Dental implants are a lifelong solution for missing teeth. With proper oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, the implant itself can last a lifetime. The crown attached to the implant typically lasts between 10 to 15 years, depending on wear and tear, and may need replacement.

Hanna Dental Implant Center offers same-day implant services, which means you can walk out with a brilliant smile in just one day. But you should bear in mind the duration of a dental implant procedure varies, ranging from 30 minutes to several hours for the surgical phase, depending on the number of implants and complexity. The total treatment time includes several months for the healing process and for the implant to integrate with the jawbone.

Full-mouth dental implants are commonly called full arch replacements or full-mouth reconstructions. This procedure involves placing multiple implants in the jaw to support a full set of artificial teeth designed for individuals who have lost most or all of their natural teeth.

The healing time for dental implants varies, but it typically takes about 6 to 12 weeks for the implant to fuse with the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration. This time can be longer or shorter depending on individual healing rates and the complexity of the procedure.

Recovery time after a tooth implant varies, with most patients resuming normal activities within a day or two. However, the complete healing process, including bone integration, takes several weeks to months.

Pain levels can vary, but tooth extraction is generally considered more uncomfortable than implant surgery, primarily due to the invasive nature of extraction. Both procedures, however, are performed under anesthesia to minimize discomfort.

Dental implant surgery is generally not painful during the procedure due to anesthesia. Post-surgical discomfort is most pronounced in the first few days after surgery and typically subsides as the healing process progresses. Pain management can be effectively done with prescribed or over-the-counter pain relievers.

Whether you need sedation for a dental implant depends on your pain tolerance, anxiety level, and the complexity of the procedure. While many implant procedures are done with just local anesthesia, sedation options like oral sedatives, nitrous oxide, or IV sedation can be used for patient comfort, especially in cases of dental anxiety or extensive surgical work.

Most dental implant failures occur within the first few months after surgery. Common reasons for early failure include:

  • Poor osseointegration (the implant not properly fusing with the jawbone).
  • Infection.
  • Issues related to the surgical procedure itself.

Proper planning and post-operative care can significantly reduce the risk of early failure.

Yes, you can get a dental implant years after tooth extraction. However, over time, the jawbone can atrophy where the tooth is lost, potentially requiring procedures like bone grafting to ensure adequate bone support for the implant.

If an implant is not placed after tooth extraction, potential consequences include:

  • Jawbone loss at the extraction site.
  • Shifting of adjacent teeth.
  • Bite problems.
  • Possibly altered facial aesthetics.

These issues can make future restorative procedures more complex.

Deciding between an implant or a bridge depends on factors like the health of adjacent teeth, jawbone density, patient preference, and cost considerations. Implants are more invasive but offer a longer-lasting solution that helps preserve jawbone health, whereas bridges are less invasive but require altering adjacent healthy teeth.

The success rate of dental implants is typically high, averaging around 95-98%. Factors affecting success include the location of the implant in the jaw, the patient’s overall health, and how well the patient maintains oral hygiene and regular dental visits.


Age alone is not a determining factor for dental implants. Many individuals in their 80s are suitable candidates for implants if they have good overall health, adequate jawbone density, and healthy gums. A comprehensive evaluation by a dentist can determine suitability.

Cost & Worth

The cost of dental implants can vary widely, typically from $1,000 to $3,000 per implant, not including the additional costs for the abutment and crown. Factors influencing cost include geographical location, the expertise of the dental professional, and specific patient needs.

Dental implants are often considered worth the investment due to their durability, functionality, and appearance. They provide a permanent solution for missing teeth, help maintain jawbone health, and improve chewing and speech. However, the decision depends on individual circumstances and priorities.


No, dental implants typically do not set off metal detectors. Although they are made of titanium, a metal, the amount used in dental implants is usually too small to be detected by standard metal detectors. These detectors are designed to identify larger metal objects, like weapons or large metal devices. Dental implants are much smaller and are not usually picked up by these devices.

It depends. A tooth transplant, which involves moving a tooth from one part of the mouth to another, is rare and usually only done in specific cases, like for children with missing teeth. Implants, on the other hand, are more common and versatile, suitable for adults who have lost teeth. Implants are durable and can last a lifetime with proper care. They don’t rely on other teeth for support, unlike transplants.

It depends. When getting dental implants, there might be a period without teeth, but it varies. For some procedures, temporary teeth can be provided immediately. In other cases, especially if bone grafting is needed, you might have to wait without teeth for the area to heal properly before getting permanent implants. This waiting time allows the jawbone to bond with the implant, ensuring a strong foundation. Each case is different, and the approach depends on individual dental health and the specific implant procedure. Your dentist can offer solutions like temporary dentures during the waiting period.

Pain while chewing on a dental implant could indicate issues like infection, improper implant placement, or problems with the crown. It’s important to consult your dentist to address these concerns promptly.

Yes, you are typically awake during a tooth implant procedure. Local anesthesia is used to numb the area and ensure comfort. For anxious patients or those undergoing a complex procedure, sedation dentistry can be used to make the experience more comfortable.

Yes, dental implants have potential downsides despite the high success rate. These include surgical risks such as infection, damage to surrounding areas like nerves or blood vessels, and possible sinus issues for implants in the upper jaw. Additionally, the process requires a significant time commitment for healing and bone integration and can be more costly than other dental restoration methods.

An individual dental implant can support one or two crowns for tooth replacement. For multiple missing teeth, patients can use a dental bridge supported by two or more implants. The exact configuration depends on the location of the missing teeth and the patient’s oral health.

Generally, for replacing three adjacent teeth, two implants can be used to support a three-tooth bridge. The specific number can vary based on the missing teeth’ location and the jawbone’s condition.

The main difference between dental implants and denture implants lies in their design and purpose. Dental implants are artificial roots for individual teeth placed in the jawbone to support one or a few artificial teeth. They offer a permanent base for fixed or removable teeth. Denture implants, however, are used for supporting full dentures. They involve several posts in the jawbone to secure the dentures, providing better stability than traditional dentures, which rest on the gums.

Choosing the right dental implant involves consulting with a dental professional who can assess your oral health, bone density, and specific needs. Factors to consider include the type of implant (endosteal, subperiosteal, or zygomatic), material (usually titanium or zirconia), and the dental surgeon’s expertise. Personal health conditions and financial considerations also play a role in the decision.

Location Inquiry

You can get dental implants in Houston at Hanna Dental Implant Center. Our dentists are experts in implant dentistry. We invest in the latest dental technology and equipment. This commitment to cutting-edge technology allows us to offer more precise, efficient, and comfortable treatments, from routine check-ups to complex procedures.

Whether you need routine dental care, cosmetic dentistry, or advanced dental treatments, our clinic offers a comprehensive range of services. This means you can have all your dental needs addressed under one roof.

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